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International Women's Day: Choose To Challenge

International Women's Day: Choose To Challenge

In order to see a better society where women are given equal opportunities to achieve individual success, every individual has to start challenging bias and inequality, for Change comes from challenge and a "A challenged world is an alert world,".

With the 2021 theme “Choose To Challenge”, it will question stereotypes and challenge the bias that has limited the success and growth of female gender over the pasts years, and give room for a new horizon.

Together we all can challenge the disparity in gender balance in government, workplaces, health care, sports and media coverage through individual change knowing that the success of a woman is a success for all.

As an institution we lend our voice to this course that has been observed since 1911 which is over a century ago and we call on everyone globally to join hands and take action which would ensure a better world.

Together as one, let’s celebrate today's International women's day choosing to break the cycle and help create an inclusive world.


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