LIU Nigeria
Accredited Affiliate
Power Bible Collage
Students in Nigeria and environs can take courses from LeadImpact University at Power Bible College. Course materials and credit hours are same across all our affiliate campuses, and our noble training standards are strictly upheld. Our mission as a Bible University is to raise God fearing leaders who will impact their communities and their areas of calling with the Holy Spirit.
Apply To This Campus43 Uyo St. Rumuomasi Port Harcourt, River State, Nigeria.
LIU Nigeria

Accredited Affiliate
Petros Christian College & Seminary
Students in Nigeria and environs can take courses from LeadImpact University at Power Bible College. Course materials and credit hours are same across all our affiliate campuses, and our noble training standards are strictly upheld. Our mission as a Bible University is to raise God fearing leaders who will impact their communities and their areas of calling with the Holy Spirit.
Apply To This Campusof P.O BOX 5055 Makurdi, Benue State, Nigeria
234 8035937032
LIU Nigeria